I am infinitely grateful to the people listed below who in one way or another collaborated to improve e-Rebeca:
To Teresinha Gonçaves, my sister, I thank for helping in composing the name of the book, suggesting to add the "e-" to Rebeca, thus becoming her godmother. It was a simple fact but it changed the title decisively for the better.
To Alessandra Geovanni, a friend from Campinas-SP, who read the book (Portuguese edition) and found some inconsistencies and suggested corrections.
To Max Barroso, my son, who read the drafts, and debated the plot by providing precious suggestions that made the work more structured.
To Jéssica Pinho, my wife, for the encouragement and patience during the production of the book.
To Marco Braga, although he might be surprised to be mentioned here, by his words of encouragement when the plot was still in its initial definition.
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