Author & Translator

The Author

Helder Barroso, born in 1955 in the city of Rio de Janeiro, holds a degree in electrical engineering and a bachelor's degree in mathematics. He collaborated in renowned technology companies such as Embratel, Light, Unisys, Telemar, Nextel, Dataprev, COBRA, among others, and most recently taught in state public schools.
As a child, stimulated by his parents, he awakened a taste for reading as he spent hours wandering about the science fiction narratives and mythologies of ancient peoples. The taste for writing was an unavoidable consequence.
He is considered privileged by the innumerable opportunities that life offers him. He is most grateful to his wife Jessica for his unconditional support for his adventures in the world of writing, and the proud father of three sons Rafael, Max and Enzo, who give him great concern and joy.

The Translator

Max Barroso, born in 1997 in the city of Rio de Janeiro, is now studying to obtain an University degree in Information Systems. He is self taught and enjoys the English language. He followed the development of the e-Rebeca storyline and helped his father by providing valuable insights and is responsable to translate e-Rebeca to English.

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